Become a Customer Service/Support Specialist – Customer Service

September 9, 2021 By AM

topics with minutes need something more as they are short

TOTAL 6h 16m

Customer Service Foundations

By: Jeff Toister

Writing Customer Service Emails

By: Leslie O’Flahavan

Phone-Based Customer Service

By: Jeff Toister

21mCOURSECourseCustomer Service: Managing Customer Expectations

By: Jeff Toister

32mCOURSECourseCustomer Service: Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

By: Noah Fleming

eDe-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service

By: Myra Golden

33mCOURSECourseCustomer Service: Creating Customer Value

By: Jill Griffin

Innovative Customer Service Techniques

By: Jeff Toister

When you’re done, you’ll have earned a certificate of completion.